足立療術院 Adachi Ryojutsuin Clinic

Qiko-seitai(gigong), Chakra, Lymph Massage.

The method which induces patient’s natural mending system. The Clinic will seek the possibilities of solving the difficulties patients are supposed to have after medical surgeries, disorder of inner organs, insomnia, fatigue, mental control, disorder due to tension and stresses.

  1. Circulating the physical energy with the combination of Qiqou and lymph massage
  2. Facial esthetic by Qiqou and to the body healing
  3. Women’s treatment only policy. We also accept the male patients only by the introduction of the regular female patients.
  4. Classes of Qiqou exercise are available regularly.
  5. The troubles of the domestic pets.
  6. Counseling based on the Ten-sen-eki-gaku: the statistical divination.


We try to make my clinic best for the patients’ need. We want them to mention; Adachi can treat total care by physical and mental which makes us healthy and lively. Our aim is to be ‘Healers’ for everyone like from mothers with infants, to the patients who want to follow up after medical surgeries. Adachi, Qiqou-shi, mother of two children, has passion to meet her patients’ need. We consult who have the feeling the whole world against. Feel free to visit us.

Kazuko Adachi, Qiqou-shi

SiteHibarigaoka 2-16-6-A, Nishi-Tokyo City, Tokyo 202-0001
Office hour8:30 – 19:30
Off dayUnfixed
ReservationReservations only
NoticeWomen only; Male patients are acceptable by the recommendation of the regular women patients.
Foreign patients are recommended to be accompanied by their interpreters.

News Report

With Qiqou Seitai your energy flows physically and mentally.

Adachi Ryojutsu-in is the clinic located close to the Hibarigaoka-Danchi Compound. Patients will be supported by total care physically and mentally. Adachi use ‘Qi’ treatment, which makes this clinic unique from others.
She recollects her hard time of her own illness and family agony during the period raising her children. Then she is conscious about the idea that mind and body are the one entity, so she cares about erasing mental stresses from the patients when treating physically.
Many of her patients evaluate the clinic unique about dealing with both internal and external cares. She deals with the secondary care for symptoms and diagnosis of the Regular patients like complications after surgery, disorder of internal organs, physical disorder from insomnia and tension, general fatigue, stiffness or pain of eyes, neck and head.
She mentions she also consults the issues mothers supposed to have with their children. In her history, she has an experience of engaging in Jido-kan, child care center.
As of the real experience of ‘Qi’, she tried me, the reporter, and I felt warm energy inside my body during the session.
Note that this clinic is only for women. Men need recommendation from the regular women patients.

Interview with Ms. Adachi

I myself was saved by ‘Qiqou’. Turn the darkness to the sunshine. I will do my best.

I hear the word ‘Qiqou’, but actually I have no idea, so tell me about it?

‘Qi’ is an invisible stream flows inside the body which related to the physical energy. Everyone can handle his ‘Qi’ through educational exercises adopting breathing method. I disciplined every day for 5 years and was officially admitted as ‘Qiqou-shi’ Master of ‘Qi’. About the understanding of ‘Qi’, more explanation can be made by imagining the magnet. I draw patients’ ‘Qi’ energy by dispatching my own ‘Qi’ from my hands.
Every creature has original ‘Qi’. When I treat a new patient, it takes me quite a some time to pull ‘Qi’ nearer toward my hands, because ‘Qi’ of the first patient is like iron sands, it scatters everywhere. I try gathering them to make them smoothly flow. It is like a stagnation melt away to flow orderly. Patients then feel light. My hands has produce ‘Qi’ very well. Because of this fact, I can be able to search the problems of the matter and cure them.

Tell me about the method more concretely?

We, ‘Qiqou-shi’ use lymph approach method by using ‘Qi’ to find the stagnated effete materials in the vessels and try them to back in the normal flow. It is effective to erase the general fatigue and heaviness. We concentrate and focus toward the muscle tissues, handle them loose and stretch by using ‘Qi’. It works with not only the stiffness, pain of neck, shoulders, back, loin, but also mitigates the issues that patients have about the respiratory system. Our ‘Qi’ is like a radar to search deep into the troubles to shoot pin-point to tired eyes, organs and brain. During the session, our hands receive vibrations or heavy feelings from the affected parts. It also works in the deeper places like nerve systems of brain to make them relax. As for treating the mental originated disorder, We approach seven Chakras(oriental medical points) and by holding the image of the omnipotent Sun, we shines our ‘Qi’ gently with its warmth directly to the points. They say: felt wrapped, then warm and the heaviness seems to turn light. Even several days after the session, an improved feeling remain continues. That is because the energy flow inside the body is becoming in order.
We usually treat many cases after the medical surgeries because those patients are much more sensitive than the non-surgery patients. After the medical surgeries it happens in many cases the muscle tissues are severed or cramped and lymphatic vessels cracked and swelled. In such cases, ‘Qi’ treatment works on to heal them.
We also deal with the facial relaxation by solving excessive tension, we use ‘Qi’ to treat from face to the whole body. Insomnia due to tension of the body that prevents relaxation by producing inside the brain too much adrenaline can be solved by this facial method. It usually causes drowsiness to the patients during the session. This treatment also works in nose complication like empyema (ozena), facial distortion not to mention keeping the state of healthy color on the cheeks, thinning of chin and erasing swollen of the eye area. The improvement of eyesight is also expecting.
Our treatment by ‘Qi’ is all hand session. We match our ‘Qi’ to the variety needs. Our treatment is unique and special.

What makes you decide to be a ‘Qiqou-shi’?

I play the piano all my life. My hands, owing to that, the grip power, tips of the fingers are strong. My hands move well in balance and the sensitivities of the finger tips are keen. With all these abilities I can concentrate to the aiming-at point pressure to like around eye area and back neck area seeking the affected parts. My right hand side brain seems developed through my entire musical training, and adopt well to create what images ‘Qiqou’ required to heal people. So far, I have been dedicated to the ‘Qiqou’ exercises devotedly. That is why my hands produce ‘Qi’ very well.
This is not a self-boasting, but in many cases I can perceive through ‘Qi’ the complications patients have. I always have the confidence beginning from my first experience that my ‘Qi’ had caused effects on the dullness and stiffness of the patient’s organs and head.
I began thinking ‘Qiqou-shi’ is my vocation, because I have been experiencing many cases I treated and succeeded. I fact, I had blessed to have good mentors, associates. I have been studying ‘Qiqou’ eager enough and still I am. ‘Qiqou’ for me is a glorious thing with which I could overcome my difficulties and heal others.
Also I had once experienced my son’s problem of attending school. I let him to the mental clinic regularly. I had spent hard time to save him in the midst of darkness that nobody helped us to find the solution. Now my son is fine and lives his life in good condition.
At that time I realized how much the mental health affects humane condition. And that makes me think if I could be a ‘Healer’ who could light the sunshine to the people’s darkness. Therefore I decided to chase and disseminate ‘Qiqou’ to the public.
I think modern society needs things like ‘Qi’. ‘Qi’ is for Genqi(vitality), Yuuqi(courage) and it says Yamai(disease) wa Qi kara: You tend to catch ill if your Qi is low and scatter.
If you were struggling in the ‘Darkness’, please put me in your list. I believe you can surely be out of it just like I could have been escaped from the difficulties in the past. Do not give up. And come to talk to me whether physical or mental your problems are. Open up your gate and step forward on behalf of your family and yourself.

All TreatmentFirst Time Fee30min.+\2,200-
Qiqou- Chakra- Seitai,
Facial power esthetic treatment
Lymph Massage
Regular patient30min.\3,300-
After 19:00, it becomes a rate of the 20% increase.
Qiqou Class (inner Qiqou)1 hours per person\5,500-
Notice : Class will be held for more than 2 persons
Ten-sen-eki-gaku Counseling1 person120min.\11,000-
2 persons180min.\16,500-
Out-visiting service60min. \5,500-/clean hours
Plus visiting charge And traffic fee

Let you know we are in the advanced payment policy. Ask about details.


  • Male patients are requested to accompany with females at treatments.
  • The reservation time is to be strictly followed.
  • Advanced payment is required.
  • Cancellation policy: until 24 hours in advance before the reservation time. It will be fined if no show or cancelling within the designated time.
  • The clinic has the right to decline the patients who are psychics, those who are from the same category, the patients who diagnosed contagious diseases, the people from commercial mass media, and the patients the Clinic specifies inadequate for the treatment.
  • About the individual information protection policy, we respect and protect, please cite about the details in the Japanese Homepage.
  • The foreign patients are allowed to come to the sessions with their interpreters.
  • During the treatment session, please do not talk the performer.
  • Besides the reserved session hour, patients have their time of about 15 minutes each before and after the session, changing, preparing and making a payment.
  • The requests or questions outside of the session hours, would be caused extra charges.